I respect master “Shoin Yoshida”.
So here is my sacred place.
This time, it was a purpose to meet with master.
Then I spent much time to watch here.
There are Shoukason Juku School, his old residence, treasure hall “Shiseikan”, and so forth, so this is very important place for fans of Shoin Yoshida and end of Edo period.
Shoukason Juku School is the place where many patriot came and studied who had managed Japan.
So I admire it for gathering.
Seminar style and his teachings “Not to be a scholar, be a practical person” contribute it, I think.
Fans of Shoin Yoshida and end of Edo period should spend much time to watch many important documents in treasure hall Shiseikan, and feel his teaching.
I’ll be back soon.
The room where he had been imprisoned in old residence
Umbrella written oracle
The trii(gate of shrine) in front of main shrine
A written oracle with teaching of Shoin Yoshida
If we get bad oracle, we can get anything from shrine, but I didn’t get bad one.
Also his teaching was very good.
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